Thursday, February 16, 2006

Safe search = No checking of Toto? XD

A forum post in the Straits Times today was very very interesting.

It was Starhub responding to a person who wrote to the forum, saying that he cannot access the Singapore-pools website, which is for people above the age of 18 only.

The response from Starhub was hella funny, because the first half of it was explaining what "Safesurf" does (As if we can't tell.) *coughpromotecough*, and the other half, explains why he can't access Singapore Pools website.

Reason: It's 18+.

So, assuming I have kids and only 1 computer at home, and since I don't want my kids to view sheep porn, I applied for Safesurf, which comes with my internet connection.

And whoa, because of that, I can't check toto.

Hella funny. The only other option is to opt out of the program, and let my kids stumble into a site showing rabbit porn.

Seriously, although there is a need to protect the kids, why does this "safesurf" thing hamper our usual daily surfing? Won't it be better if I had brought those Norton stuff instead? It does the same thing, while allowing me to go to sites which I want. Hell, I can disable it as and when I prefer. Why is such a service so unflexible?

And after this, they expect people to sign up for it?

I'll pass. Thanks.


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